Il Pasquino
Categoria: Cinema Tv – Exhibition
Anno: 2018 – Durata: 3′
Premio: Labor 2020 al V-Art Festival Internazionale Immagine d’Autore
A film by MIRA
Concept & art direction: Alessandra Atzori e Milena Tipaldo
Animation: Massimo Ottoni e Salvatore Centoducati
Notebook handcraft: Libri Finti Clandestini
Sound design: Alessandro Nepote
Voice over: Lorenzo Bartoli
Rhime text: Milena Tipaldo
Dieci cento mille copertine di Pasquino scherniscono il potere: dal politico, all’aguzzino! Fu qui che Casimiro Teja scrisse in tono leggiadro: “Piove, governo ladro!”
As all of Pasquino’s covers show without shame: Mocking those in power is the name of the game!
This is where Casimiro Teja wrote in admonishment: “It’s raining shame on the government!”